Transforming the legacy of white womanhood.
We Are Finding Freedom is an engaging and compassionate community coming together to take bigger risks for racial justice.
Together, we support each other to understand how we as white women and genderqueers are complicit with white supremacy and patriarchy.
About Us ⟶
Our Workshops ⟶
“Thank you so much for this opportunity, for making it financially accessible for my service-industry income, and for the collective wisdom shared.”
— Finding Freedom workshop participant

Finding Freedom
It's time to bring our full selves as white women into the struggle to end structural racism. The stakes could never be higher. Are you in?
The long-awaited sequel to the Finding Freedom workshop. Where perfectionism goes to die, and we all get free!
Stumbling Towards Wholeness
A Jewish caucus space for all white Jewish women who want to explore antiracism and Jewish identity.
Seeing The Forest
This anti-racist genealogy workshop for white people is an antidote to our collective amnesia, nostalgia and silence.

Support We Are Finding Freedom
We Are Finding Freedom is a labor of love. Hours and hours are poured into each workshop. We offer low and no-cost workshop registrations and events—money should never be a barrier for joining.
We couldn’t do this with your support. Thank you!
Anne Braden Photo © Pennsylvania State University Libraries.